10 Quotes: The Glory of Christ by John Owen

John Owen was a Puritan pastor in the seventeenth century. Owen loved the glory of God and expounded the Scriptures with the aim that others might see clearly and convincingly the beauty of God. This particular volume focuses on the glory of Jesus, who is the "radiance of the glory of God and the exact … Continue reading 10 Quotes: The Glory of Christ by John Owen

Our Momentary Marriages: Securing Undivided Devotion to the Lord

Great picture, huh? That's my wife and I just a year ago this week! In the church that I grew up in, there were monthly celebrations of birthdays and anniversaries. As the lucky folks "came on down" to the front of the sanctuary, the congregation began to peer out to separate the birthdays from anniversaries. … Continue reading Our Momentary Marriages: Securing Undivided Devotion to the Lord